Your Underwater

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Where safety excels,
success follows.
Call Us Today: 321-412-6611

Safety First

National Marine And Diving
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Our Services

See what sets us apart from the competition.

Energy, Utilities, and location inspection

With our advanced tech, National Marine & Diving Services, Inc. has the ability and technicians to locate, track, and explore energy sources beneath the sea.

cathodic protection

We at National Marine & Diving Services offer an array of options as far as Cathodic protection such as Arc Spray Metalizing, Current Cathodic Protection, and Pile Jacketing.

Repair & Restoration

The core of National Marine & Diving Services focuses on diving for construction. For a safe and satisfactory subcontractor, hire a long-standing company with a track record of success, that's where we come in!

Marine salvage

National Marine offers multiple search and recovery services for unforseen tradgeties. From personal boats to construction equipment, you should have a plan for crisis management.

Ship husbandry

National Marine & Diving Services offers many of the works listed above for U.S. flagged vessels as well as insurance inspections, illegal activity inspections, damage assessments, and more.

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This is our message to you

"As a female and veteran owned company, we have been trained and dove with some of the best divers in the world today. Ultimately Safety is our focus, offering the knowledge, experience, and the certifications to fulfill all of your diving and marine-related requirements."

Jessica Walker
operations Manager

Our mission

We pride ourselves on our excellence in SAFETY and CLIENT SATISFACTION, both in & out of the water!

Safety Certified Management

We pride ourselves on zero INCIDENT and successful completion.

Safety trained National Safety Council, Advanced Safety Certificate including safety management techniques, safety training techniques, principles of occupational safety.

our gallery

Current and past projects

Specialty Services

Locate & Inspect

National Marine and Diving Service can get a visual assessment with advanced remote underwater vehicles before we send a diver in the water.

Can you perform side scan sonar locate and mark services?

Yes, With Our Advanced Tech National Marine & Diving Services, Inc has the ability and technicians to locate, track and explore beneath the sea.

Can you help identify retention pond drainage issues?

Absolutely! Underwater collapsed, clogged and aging drainpipes can be time bombs causing flooding and poor water circulation. Allow us to identify the problem and suggest the proper solution.

Dillon Inabinett
Oak Ridge

I am writing to thank you and your team for an excellent job an excellent job in executing multiple dives in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) Clean Pool to support repair of a leaking penetration. Your team took on this unique challenge and executed in safe and professional manner.

Full Recommendation Letter
Jimi Dugan
JR. Davis

I am writing to recommend the services of National Marine Diving Services that we used to install articulated concrete block matting on the Sunbridge Cyrils Drive Ph.3 project. The company was professional, efficient, and easy to work with throughout the entire project. Their knowledge and experience with the specialized revetment truly streamlined the installation process.

Full Recommendation Letter
Keiwit Infrastructure
South Company

KISC would recommend Vector Construction Inc (Dennis Walker project manager) with respect to the installation of bridge cathodic protection systems. Today, Vector Construction Inc. has delivered their scope of work for this project on time and on budget in often difficult circumstances.

Paul C. Kirkland
Vice President Project Manager

We would highly recommend Dennis Walker as he has been a pivotal part of the success of Vector Constructions project. Management, scheduling manpower, his attention to safety, his work ethics as well as his "get the job done" attitude ensure the success completion of the projects we have worked on together.

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WE WERE On Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe
Aired January 1, 2023
on the Discovery Channel.

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access to over 25 years of
marine & diving service experience
for your next project.